Thursday, April 30, 2009


One of the factors that characterize postmodernism is French philosopher, Jean Baudrillard who believed that simulation was a part of the postmodern era. The Beijiing's World Park is a good representation of this. Postmodernism has been characterized as a response to the conditions of the late modernity linked to the late stages of capitalism. Fredric Jameson, a cultural critic thought that postmodernism emphasize on economic and political conditions, including postwar globalization. With the advances of technology within travel,information, and health care this also contribute to the postmodern world. The term postmodern has been used to describe fashions and even politicians who produce themselves through media images and texts.

Postmodern doesn't necessary intersect modern. It does intersect late modern with the advancement of media, computerization, post industrialization, communication, and globalization.

"Postmodern is different from modernity because postmodern is characterize by the questioning of the supposed universality of structural knowledge, as well as a skepticism about the modern belief in the universality of progress". "Modern thought was characterized by a sense of knowing that was forward looking and positive and the belief that one could know what was objectively true and real by discerning the structural relations that underpin social formations and natural phenomena."

A simulacra is a simulation of something that is actually real. For example, when I went too Las Vegas in 2007 I seen the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower. These monument figures original existence is in New York City and Paris, France respectively.
Reflexivity is a way of making viewers aware of the means of cultural production. It undermines the illusion aspect of narration. It also encourages the viewer to think critical about the ideologies that is being spoken by the individual who is narrating.

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